Flavia de Andrade e Souza¹, Patrícia Franciulli¹, Aline Bigongiari¹, Rubens Correa Arújo¹, Luis Mochizuki²,3, Jerônimo Rafael Skau¹.
¹ USJT/ Laboratório de Biomecânica, São Paulo – SP; ² USP/Laboratório de Biomecânica, Escola de Educação Física e Esporte, São Paulo, SP; 3 USP/ Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades, São Paulo, SP.
The most common injury at ankle joint is the ankle sprain. The aim of this study is analyze the effect of time of use of a functional taping (FT) at ankle on inversion torque and movement amplitude. The subjects were 10 healthy adults (21 upto 26 years old). The experimental protocol was: testing ankle torque and movement amplitude without FT (NFT), testing with FT before 20 minutes walking (5km/h) (BFT), testing with FT after walking (AFT). The largest torque was observed during AFT, and there was no torque difference between NFT and BFT. The largest movement amplitude was observed during AFT. The decrease amplitude effect of FT did not last after exercise, suggesting that FT looses its mechanical stabilization proporties.
Key-words: functional taping, isokinetic dynamometer, ankle sprain
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