Instituto Henriqueta Teixeira

Instituto Henriqueta Teixeira



The Biomechanics Of Loss Of Balance In Olympic Sport Judo, Possibilities Of Measurement Of Biomechanical Parameters

Heinz Nowoisky

Olympic Service & Training Center in Hanover, Dept. of Training Science, Germany

Throwing techniques represent a substantial part during fighting as their effectiveness highly depends on the development of their technical level. Breaking the opponents balance plays an outstanding role in the known phase of throwing. Therefore the combat athlete must be able to perform explosively and powerfully the attacking moves from beginning to end of a fight. Regarding biomechanics, the parameter of stability and resulting from amount of pull forces necessary to induce the balance losing are quantity of great significance. Since 1978 more than 1000 measurements of national and international world top athletes (taken at central diagnostics of performance in training camp) were analysed. This paper focuses on biomechanical characterization, measurement and the importance of the kuzushi in the forward direction (kuzushi -the first phase of loss of balance).

KEY WORDS: Judo, biomechanical model, pulling force, explosive strength,measurement, movement simulation, elite sport

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